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Lintan explore the 235 mode of operation

Source: "Gansu Economic Daily" (September 4, 2007 Third Edition)

       Develop Cow

Lintan since March this year, the "235" mode after serving 39 Holstein cows, September 3 second batch of 23 adult Holstein cows also served to 22 farmers at home, these two groups of 62 cows running, marks a good beginning "235" successful practice dairy farming mode of operation and Lintan million head of dairy cattle breeding programs.

"235" model of development, that is, from the masses to invest 20 percent, 30 percent of government subsidies, corporate loans 50% interest on loans subsidized by the government, to boot drive Metro, flat masses are more than eight township development Cow, support 2000-3000 households, the average breeding cows 3-5 head, the final completion of ten thousand dairy cattle breeding base. Since March this year, the development of modern animal husbandry 甘南华 new limited liability company, Gansu Xin Rong joint efforts and close cooperation of the investment credit guarantee companies and Lintan People's Government tripartite, with "235" dairy farming mode of operation, and gradually establish a "company + base + farmers' business structure of modern animal husbandry development, a strong impetus to the county animal husbandry industrialization process.

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