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Chinas dairy industry is still in recovery growth

  By the Economic Daily in the climate index by industry research centers and National Bureau of Statistics China Economic Monitoring Center Q3 2010 prepared by the dairy industry in the recently issued climate index. Index report showed that three quarters of the industry sentiment index was 97.7 points (100 points economy standards), edged down 0.1 points from the previous quarter, the industrial index was 76.7 points early warning, down 3.3 points sequentially, to continue in the cool of the "Light Blue Light District "in operation.

   Change in the indices show that the three-quarter adjustment of China's dairy industry is still in a growth phase and recovery of the enterprise should continue to lay a solid foundation for development. From the specific indicators, three-quarter business indicators some of the dairy industry growth to different extents. Among them, the dairy production increased by 9.2% year on year growth has slowed but; export delivery value of 106.7% year on year growth, which is the indicator of the year on year growth since the first time since the second half of 2008 from negative to positive. In addition, the dairy industry realized a total profit growth, business loss and loss reduction over the previous quarter, indicating that the industry's profitability has improved.

   Index analysis, production and operation of the dairy industry in Q4 is expected to continue to rise to the good, but should still grasping the whole industry, in particular should be placed on product quality and product safety, promote the industry truly into the healthy and orderly and sustainable Development track.


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