But researchers have been trying to re-production of casein-based plastic, casein protein is the main component of plastic, can be biodegradable; this is a big advantage of it; but just fix the fragile characteristics of casein plastic, re-production of plastic to possible. Xi Nadi solution is to use a named skeleton made of sodium silicate montmorillonite, and then casein plastic attached to the frame. Sodium montmorillonite can be freeze-dried into aerogels - similar to a sponge-like material. Is well known that within the space structure of the aerogels, it is very fragile. As long as the pores in aerogels filled plastics, aerogels will no longer friable; the contrary, the silicate skeleton but also to prevent plastic cracking. Researchers believe that the casein, synthetic silicate and glyceraldehyde, you can get very useful material.
Researchers published in the "biological macromolecules" magazine report claimed that this new material stiffness, strength and plasticity are fully comparable to polystyrene. This new material will soon be discarded decomposition, which is completely different, and polystyrene. A preliminary test showed that the material in the landfill environment similar to store 18 days, 20% of the material has been decomposed.
Plastic was seen as a magical substance, and now plastic is still everywhere. But seriously people like plastic characteristics of the original - the stability and durability, it has not very loved by the people. Many plastics are used for one-time items and external packaging, was thrown away after use; so performance is not a durable plastic that people need, and petrochemical plastics are therefore seen as a nuisance and a threat.
Plastic was seen as a magical substance, and now plastic is still everywhere. But seriously people like plastic characteristics of the original - the stability and durability, it has not very loved by the people. Many plastics are used for one-time items and external packaging, was thrown away after use; so performance is not a durable plastic that people need, and petrochemical plastics are therefore seen as a nuisance and a threat.
In 1889, a French chemist named John Hyatt found that the use of formaldehyde to deal with as long as casein, can be a hard and shiny material, the material characteristics and similar characteristics of ivory and tortoiseshell. Casein-based plastic was eventually overtaken by petroleum-based plastics chemical, and eventually stop the seventies of the twentieth century.
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